All In the Same Boat is a long-term project developed in three phases: February, May and July 2017.
The aim of the project is to grow up youth worker against the hate speech and discrimination.

February 2017, Training course – Portugal (Porto)

The goal of this first phase is been to give competences to the youth worker about hate speech and to make them able to transfer their knowledge and skills to young people with whom they are daily in touch.
The participants have shared by non-formal education methodology new effective methods for tolerance message and against discrimination to the youth. In the last part of this activity, the participants have worked for the next phase of the project.

Maggio 2017, Youth exchange – Bulgaria (Bansko)

Once again by non-formal education, the young participants in the youth exchange have analyzed the basic concept of the discrimination, violence and all the problems related to migration crisis. The participants have done a campaign in Razlog city where they showed their own competencies and also planned future events like the Bulgarian one in their countries. The participants came from 8 countries for a total of 24 plus 8 youth leader, they had a possibility to discuss and reflect in a creative way about human rights.

July 2017, Seminar – Netherlands (Rotterdam)

The youth leaders and the participants that have taken part in previous activities had a meeting to Rotterdam for the last phase of the project. The main objective it’s been to consolidate the competencies and to spread the results in a booklet. The seminar gave the opportunity to create new international projects and to increase opportunity for the youth mobility, they have strengthened their partnership and done a organizations network against hate and discrimination. They will promote tolerance and human rights education on regular basis.