Training is Esplora’s area taking care of adults: teachers, educators, trainer, animators or people interested in the youth work. Thanks to our national and international training courses we offer the possibility to share knowledge and skills between experts and youngsters, exchange of good practices, active participation in thematic workshops and detailed studies with expert trainers.

International Training

“In The Kingdom of Volunteering – The Mentor Journey”

From the 6th to the 19th of April we took part in the first phase of the project “In The Kindom of Volunteering”. an initial training course held online, focused on offering an intensive learning and discovery experience of the mentoring process to those who are actors affiliated with organizations that already have at least…



VOLU.M.E. project was born from a need to offer participants an advanced learning experience on volunteer management, which does not only refer to coordinators but also mentors, ex-volunteers or anyone seeking to deal with the quality and support measures of the implementation of the volunteering projects as a meaningful learning process. Following the developments, Volu.M.E,…


It Takes Two – Turkey

It Takes Two it was a training course held in Ankara – Turkey The project has seen issues such as social inclusion and gender equality. Objectives: – To empowеr and dеvеlop thе participants `compеtеncе in gеndеr mainstrеaming and gеndеr basеd discrimination. – To establish common definitions, analyze legislation and current situation in the participant countries,…


House of Heroes – Belgium

Held in Belgium House of Heroes was a Counter & Alternative Narrative training against hate speech. The project provided those in contact with youngsters the skills necessary first and foremost to help young people develop their resilience and critical thinking skills, so as not to be attracted to extremist and populist, oppressive ideas and guided…


Rig Up – Latvia

Rig Up training took place from 1 to 10 June 2019 in Latvia. The aim of the project was to provide operators with the means and tools useful to enhance involvement in social processes in local realities, including the education and employment of young people with disabilities and fewer opportunities. Objectives: –  Experience improvisation as…


Sustainability Plan – Hungary

At Alsotóldt – Hungary – our youngsters have took part to “Sustainability Plan”, a training course whose focus was to raise awareness among professionals in the field of formal and informal education, to operate in a more ecological and sustainable way. In these days the participants have acquired skills in recycling and upcycling, at the…


Include First – Turkey

From 26th to 3rd November 2019 in Antalya (Turkey) Esplora take part in the training course for facilitators in the field of accessibility “Incude First”. The participant shared the data and the commitment of the nationalities present in the field of disability, from the legal provisions  to the support measures. At the end of the…


ESC, For All – Slovacchia

From 19 to 23 October, the training course “ESC, For All” took place in Piešťany, Slovakia. Training that saw participants from different European countries joining this project, with the aim of enlarging the working network, and the objective of explaining the new ESC program and making this program accessible to people with disabilities. And a…


ESC, What Else – Granada 2019

“Esc, What Else” was a seminar held in Granada from the 25th of august till the 1st of september. The project had as the aim to promote and raise awareness, both hosting and sending organizations, of young people in social exclusion risk, less opportunities or special needs potential as volunteers, especially within European Solidarity Corps…


“Play to learn” – Turkey

“Play to learn” was a training course that took place in Turkey from April 22 to 29 in 2018. Training course that aimed to analyze the phenomena of social exclusion in Europe through a playful educational methodology. With the participants having the opportunity to discover the Turkish nomadic culture and its roots. Not only through…


Communication in Action – Czech Republic

Communication in action is a training course that aims to increase the competences of the participants in the field of communication in order to achieve the objectives of their own association. The training course will take place in Brno, Czech Republic from 29 January to 6 February 2018 and has the following objectives: analyze the…


All In The Same Boat

All In the Same Boat is a long-term project developed in three phases: February, May and July 2017. The aim of the project is to grow up youth worker against the hate speech and discrimination. February 2017, Training course – Portugal (Porto) The goal of this first phase is been to give competences to the…


Access-Ability Inspectors – Latvia

Access-Ability Inspectors was a project with participants with mixed ability. It was implemented from the 3rd to the 10th of March 2017 in Jurmala, Latvia. The main idea of this project was to build new partnership and new projects to strengthen the NGOs’ capacity in the fields of disability rights, accessibility and inclusion of young…


Melania and Erisilda – The Art Of Facilitation

Hi! We are Melania and Erisilda and we were lucky enough to participate in the Art of Facilitation / Facilitation of Art training held in Georgia, precisely in Misakstieli, near Tblisi. Why “Art of Facilitation? And why Facilitation of Art? It sounds like a play on words, but it’s not. Facilitating, improving and optimizing group…


“On The Way To Learn

“On the Way to Learn” is a project on the deepening and dissemination of outdoor education techniques through experiential training methods funded by Erasmus+ and JINT vzw . Since the beginning of 2016 we have trained 40 operators who then disseminated and applied the results involving 250 young people in 12 countries in Europe and…


Agenda ACE: Action, Contact, Excellence

It’s a cycle of three training courses about project management. The three international meetings have been structured to better follow the complete cycle of an Erasmus+ project: seeking needs, conception, submission, implementation.   From the 19th to the 26th of October 2015, 30 participants coming from Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Macedonia and Bulgaria met in…


ENTERpreneurSHIP: welcome on board

From October 22nd to 29th, 2016 in Amsterdam we participated in the training course “ENTERpreneurSHIP: welcome on board”  for youth workers and youth leaders. The main aim of the project is to introduce youth entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment and empower youngsters to start their creative entrepreneurial opportunities. During the training people…


Get Ready Belgium 2017

A project dedicated to youth workers and trainers who are directly working with young people from disadvantaged groups and/or are from these groups themselves. The aim is to improve quality of inclusive youth work by rising trainers’ competences to use and know the opportunities and limitations of the new upcoming European program Erasmus+ and to…


Interculturability Project

It’s a two phases project: a training course and a youth exchange. What connects the two activities is the intercultural and interreligious dialogue topic. Partner countries are: Italy, Belgium, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt Jordan and Turkey   Training course’s participants are youth workers, animators and people active with youngsters. From 20th to 28th of February 2016,…


Get ready Russia 2017

Eight days training course dedicated to youth workers from 8 different countries: Armenia, Belgium, Georgia, Italy, Malta, Spain, Russia-Arkanglesk Region, Russia- Far East and Sweden to explore the new possibilities of projects than can be set up within the Erasmus+:Youth in Action program. Participants received training about all aspects of international project management with a…


Growing Tree – Czech Republic

The Growing Tree project is an international training course that hosted 24 participants from 8 different countries in the beautiful Czech Republic. The aim of the project is to increase the skills of volunteer coordinators and Erasmus+ projects that are responsible for selection of participants, evaluation of their learning and involvement of young leaders. We…


Art of Facilitation – Georgia from 4th – 12th of November

It is an international training course for youth workers and educators or people interested in the theme of education through the theatre. It is the first phase of a project that also includes a subsequent seminar in the Netherlands. Applications for this training are closed Partner Organizations: Esplora, Italy Droni, Georgia Stichting Internationale Werkkampen, Netherlands…


Group In Action

“Group In Action” è stato un corso di formazione svoltosi in Georgia dal 24 Agosto al 4 Settembre. Il corso si è posto come obiettivo quello di approfondire la conoscenza delle dinamiche di gruppo e imparare nuove attività volte all’inclusione di giovani.


Permanent Training

Path to inclusion

Paths to inclusion is a strategic, innovative partnership project Erasmus+, that aims to promote and support initiatives aimed at the participation of young people with special needs, and to encourage the participation of youth workers, educators, teachers and social workers. To do this was created a web platform: Inclusion is our keyword.  We realized…
