BlogYouth exchange

What can we expect from the youth exchange in Hagen in summer 2023?

In the cover photo the brilliant Italian group of the project: Generation Europe the Academy 2023. GeneAcademy Partnership4’s second event scheduled for three years was attended by the young people.

After a first meeting and youth exchange, which took place in Decorata (BN) in Italy, where the international group met and began a common reflection on the concept of active citizenship, this summer the participants have meet each other again in Germany to plan all the details of the local action that each group intends to undertake at national level. Next year, however, in the summer 2024, the boys will fly to Finland to reflect on how to promote their local interventions. With the aim of extending their campaign at European level (if possible) and to ensure that their work is known and shared as much as possible.

Our young Italians made the decision to create an awareness-raising speech to motivate citizens to reflect on important social issues and analyze them from an intergenerational perspective.

We are therefore working on the creation of a Podcast to entertain our followers with interesting debates of common interest. These debates will be attended by relevant guests on the subject, and debate analyses will always have an intergenerational character. How do different generations experience current problems? How do these issues affect the daily life of different generations? What can we learn from previous generations? What can we teach old generations who are struggling to keep up with the times? This will be the approach of the podcast now in the pipeline among the Young Explorers.

In short, the intergenerational dialogue as a tool to be able to face current issues with full knowledge of the facts to try to understand how the world is changing through the dialogue of those who have already seen it change and say it is changing, using the tools of modernity.

How much awareness do we have about the effects of our actions and the changing world?