School/Work alternationYouth exchange

Pimp My Europe – Ripensare la cittadinanza europea (Thinking about European Citizenship) is an educational and informative path on issues of active citizenship, human rights, fight against hatred and intolerance, addressed to young people aged between 16 and 18 years old. The aim of the project is to make the youngsters aware of the European institutions and the concept of active citizens.

These themes are leaded through the methods of non-formal education, that is an experiential and inclusive methodology, identified as the most appropriate for the development of social and civic skills.

The project involves 4 Italian associations: Esplora (Itri), Risorsa Europa (Latina), Meta (Rome), Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence) and lasts 8 months.


Preparation Phase (October – January 2016)

Three local training sessions on different topics:

First Session: Human Rights Education

Second Session: Democracy and Democratic System

Third Session: Active and European Citizenship

Implementation phase (16-19 February 2017) – 4 day meeting in Rome

For 4 days young people from all organizations met to discuss the issues handled during the local meetings and together they determined what their priorities and needs are to feel really involved as citizens and actively participate in society.

Participants organized a conference involving local and national political decision-makers to which the participants make their demands on: improving the methods of spreading opportunities offered by the European Community, facilitating access to cultural events, improving the system of ‘Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro’ (compulsory training during the high school) and the possibility of being able to do it also abroad.