All In The Same Boat

All In the Same Boat is a long-term project developed in three phases: February, May and July 2017. The aim of the project is to grow up youth worker against the hate speech and discrimination. February 2017, Training course – Portugal (Porto) The goal of this first phase is been to give competences to the…

Access-Ability Inspectors – Latvia

Access-Ability Inspectors was a project with participants with mixed ability. It was implemented from the 3rd to the 10th of March 2017 in Jurmala, Latvia. The main idea of this project was to build new partnership and new projects to strengthen the NGOs’ capacity in the fields of disability rights, accessibility and inclusion of young…

“On The Way To Learn

“On the Way to Learn” is a project on the deepening and dissemination of outdoor education techniques through experiential training methods funded by Erasmus+ and JINT vzw . Since the beginning of 2016 we have trained 40 operators who then disseminated and applied the results involving 250 young people in 12 countries in Europe and…

Agenda ACE: Action, Contact, Excellence

It’s a cycle of three training courses about project management. The three international meetings have been structured to better follow the complete cycle of an Erasmus+ project: seeking needs, conception, submission, implementation.   From the 19th to the 26th of October 2015, 30 participants coming from Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Macedonia and Bulgaria met in…

ENTERpreneurSHIP: welcome on board

From October 22nd to 29th, 2016 in Amsterdam we participated in the training course “ENTERpreneurSHIP: welcome on board”  for youth workers and youth leaders. The main aim of the project is to introduce youth entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment and empower youngsters to start their creative entrepreneurial opportunities. During the training people…

Get Ready Belgium 2017

A project dedicated to youth workers and trainers who are directly working with young people from disadvantaged groups and/or are from these groups themselves. The aim is to improve quality of inclusive youth work by rising trainers’ competences to use and know the opportunities and limitations of the new upcoming European program Erasmus+ and to…

Interculturability Project

It’s a two phases project: a training course and a youth exchange. What connects the two activities is the intercultural and interreligious dialogue topic. Partner countries are: Italy, Belgium, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt Jordan and Turkey   Training course’s participants are youth workers, animators and people active with youngsters. From 20th to 28th of February 2016,…

Get ready Russia 2017

Eight days training course dedicated to youth workers from 8 different countries: Armenia, Belgium, Georgia, Italy, Malta, Spain, Russia-Arkanglesk Region, Russia- Far East and Sweden to explore the new possibilities of projects than can be set up within the Erasmus+:Youth in Action program. Participants received training about all aspects of international project management with a…